Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hookers, Freaks & Weirdos

Yes Toronto has got the lot in big numbers I will add. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of really nice people but some of the sights I've seen each day never fail to amaze me. Like the Women wandering down Yonge street Topless the other morning or two blokes kissing in the street near my hotel. Another women wandering down the middle of the road in her nighty. I can't complain though I was warned about the area around my hotel.

I haven't seen Psycho Beggar since Saturday, I wonder if we'll get the chance to exchange pleasentries again.

Last night I decided on an early night (had a few late ones) and was walking back to my hotel when I was approached by two hookers. Now Tuesday must be the quiet night because it was a buy one get one free offer. I will state here that I don't go with hookers so I politely told them I wasn't interested.
It struck me how young they looked and very attractive as well as educated. I asked them why they were doing prostitution and we actually talked for about ten minutes. They were both quite normal and it turns out they are students at University desperate for cash to live on.
One confessed to having a long term boyfriend who hadn't a clue what she was doing.
It actually struck me how much of a sad story this is and I really feel for these girls getting themselves into this situation, the world is a stupid place at times.

I suppose its Weigh in Wednesday but I have not jumped on a scale, I'm afraid of what I will see.
One thing Toronto is good for is food and have I tried some, of course with beer to swill it down.

Next weeks weight check will reveal the worst I fear.


airliebird58 said...

Folk look down on prostitutes, but more often than not its desperation that drives them to it. I do believe its something that will never go away, and as such should be regulated as in some countries in Europe, to protect the girls more than anything else.
We dont live in a perfect world and sometimes you have to make the best out of a bad job.
Dont worry about the weigh in Mick, you've been on holiday! If it makes you feel any better I've just eaten a bar of chocolate. It was quite a big bar of choccy too! I blame the big game coming up on Friday for my lads! Nerves you know... :)

Unknown said...

Hey Mike, wow, lots of things to see in that city. I've never been anywhere that had so many "interesting" people on the street, and I hope I never am! I hope you stay safe, and I am glad you are enjoying your trip.
Don't worry too much about the weigh in...after all you are holiday! So enjoy it!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

You're brave to stay in a hotel in such an area. How internationally fearless you are, Mick!

Mick & Cathy said...

You are right about the girls I actually felt really sorry for them, they seemed just normal people.

Its actually quite an adventure getting back to my hotel but actually quite funny.
Apart from psycho beggar I've never felt that worried about safety.

There are a few Hotels close by and although a area full of charactors its not really that scary more amusing.
My Hotel is better than I expected for a Ramada I have a massive Bedroom and also a seperate lounge.
The water is always hot and it is kept spotless clean. The staff are also very friendly so I could do a lot worse.