Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holiday Photo's Information

For those wanting to check out my Holiday Photo's I have started a 2nd Blog.

Mick's Photo Blog

I've only put a few on (Niagara Falls) but will be adding many more from this last trip and all previous and Future Trips. You can access it from this link or from my profile.

Please add any comments about any of the photos.


Suzy said...

Great photos! Niagra Falls must be absolutely breathtaking.

Sounds like you are enjoying your travels.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks Suzy,

I certainly love travel and meeting people, this was my 6th trip to North America in the last two years (New York, Memphis, Nashville, St Louis & Chicago*5).
I am determined to see as much of the world as I can and I love North America and the people.

I have loads more photos to post on my new picture blog from all my trips (still a lot of Toronto to add).

Jenny said...

Great photos! It looks like you had super weather for your entire trip. I just love your shots from Niagara falls. Isn't it just amazing there!?

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes I love taking loads of photo's, I'm hoping to post a lot more from Toronto this weekend.
The Photo's attached to stories will still be on my main blog.

I will then start to Post a few from my previous travels, hopfully it will make up a good travel blog.