Friday, October 13, 2006

Thursday Night Out - Lovely Girls

Two posts tonight -

On Thursday a few of us from work went out in York for a meal at a chinese restaurant and on for a few drinks afterwards. The Photo above is me with my Gossip Buddy Vicky (who occasionaly comments on my blog). Vicky organises these nights out and is always up for a laugh. I do have another photo that Vicky wanted me to post but I prefer this one.

The company I work for is truly a world wide company and I always try to do my bit for international relations. The first Photo below my work colleagues are Abi (Mexico) and Valeria (Nicaragua). Abi leaves to work back in the USA soon and Valeria has just started on our site.

The other Photo is me and Karla who is from New Zealand.

I woud have posted pictures of some of the lads on the night out but they are far too ugly for my blog.


Rachel said...

Wow, Mick! You are a lucky man to work with such beautiful women. I will be sure the ML does NOT know about your blog;) Tell Vicky the pic you chose is the perfect one; there couldn't be one better.

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes I just want a few of them transferring into my department which is totally male.
I'm lucky though I've just transferred my office into the main office block so I see a lot more of them.
Vicky is sound and likes a laugh I think you would really get on with her.

Anonymous said...


Bless ya mick, I was dreading which photo you would put on your blog!!!
Had a brill night - just suffered a little on Friday morning!!

V x

Mick & Cathy said...


As if I would ?