Saturday, October 21, 2006

Time to call it a day

On tuesday I wrote a post asking the question whether I should pack in my Table Tennis Coaching sessions and a number of you gave me some good advice.

Basically I'm not motivated, I blame lack of determination amongst the current crop of players and also the fact I've been doing it a long time and have gone stale. I've actually been coaching at a good level for well over 20 years.

Anyway on Friday night I took the North Yorkshire squad session and I told the committee I was packing it in at the end of November and someone else will have to do it. I thought it was only fair to give a bit of notice.

I still be playing competively and hopfully will have a good season. Locally I'm playing in the York league which looks quite strong this season with a lot of new players. I missed our first two matches (one win and a defeat) due to vacation. Since then I've played in two matches and we won both 6-4 but this week I lost my first match individually ironically against a player I coach.
He's actually a good lad (york junior champion) but I was still a bit cheesed off as I had 4 match points that I blew.

I'll be playing British league which is 3 more weekends away in December, January & February we did well winning 4 out of 4 on the first weekend in September.

I've been picked to play for Yorkshire veterans (over 40) team in the county championships but that is over 2 weekends (November & February).

I'll be representing York Veterans in the Yorkshire Leagueand that is 3 Sundays (December, January & March). These are really tough as the team plays 3 matches in the day which will probably mean 9 singles and 3 doubles for me.

All these competitions I enjoy playing in as the standard is good and I know I've got to be at my best to win. I don't like losing so tough games are my motivation.


Rachel said...

Change can be a good thing, I think we both are learning that this year! Do you feel better now that you've made the decision and acted on it?

Mick & Cathy said...

I reckon I do, to be honest I've been doing it for the last couple of years out of a sense of duty and not wanting to let people down.
Sometimes we've got to think of ourselves.
We have been very busy at work recently and I can't see it changing so going out coaching when not motivated was really tough.

airliebird58 said...

I think you've made the right decision. But if you miss it all I'm sure someone of your experience would be welcomed back.
I hope you enjoy the extra free time you have now :)

Jenny said...

Sounds like you have thought it out and made a decision that you think is best. That is the best thing you can do.