Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nice Suggestion Rachel

Ok my blogging block is cured so two posts tonight.

My friend Rachel made a comment on my last nights post that we should have a bloggers weekend somewhere central (she suggests Memphis) next spring. As she say's we could greet, eat and party.

Although I believe she wasn't totally serious it is an interesting idea. Personally I'm always up for meeting people but the logistics would be impossible.
For a start looking at my blog friends list I have 4 countries represented England, Austrailia, Canada and USA. People wouldn't be able to get time off work at the same time, some maybe couldn't afford it, I imagine a few are not into meeting online friends, etc.

Saying this personally I would like to meet as many blog friends as possible on my travels, I may meet some in the next year if in the same city (I hope so). Its certainly possible as I intend another 4 visits to North America next year.

I expect my first trip to be late April, 2nd trip June/July, 3rd inSeptember and the final one in December again. I don't know yet what cities I will visit on these trips with the exception as I plan to be in Chicago for the Taste of Chicago in early July.

I've been thinking (I know that surprises you) which bloggers would meet a online friend, I reckon it'll be about 50 to 60%.

So what are your thoughts on bloggers meeting ?
Would you meet a blog friend ?

My Blogging Friends

Well some of you may have noticed I've adjusted my list of blogging friends slightly again. The order is based on number of comments to my posts in the last month (basically a league table of bloggers).

The Top three Rachel, Airliebird and Jenny remain unchanged but Arlene moves up to No4.

Two people who seem to be having a blogging break since september Lynn & Vannessa have dropped off my list but are saved in my favorites and will be put back on the list when they start blogging again.

Two newcomers this month are Redneckgirl and Slim Suzy who hopfully will keep reading (check out their blogs if you don't already).

I've also had comments from a couple of non bloggers, Vicky my work Gossip Buddy plus a couple of comments from Red Lioness (Diana) who I met in Toronto. Both these lovely ladies have their photo's posted among my October posts.

I know of a few others that read my blog so come on if you are going to read lets see the occasional comment.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Blogging Block

Tonight I have loads of subjects I would like to write about but just can't get the words right.

I think I have Bloggers Block.

Try again tomorrow.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Its a good idea to contact people you like

Last week I was just checking out a few blogs when for some reason I looked at the Myspace of a young lady I met in Nashville earlier this year.
Ok we only met once (my first night in the City) but she did e'mail me when I got home and I contacted her 2 or 3 months ago to ask for some information on Texas (she originates from San Antonio).

Anyway on her Myspace I saw she was leaving Nashville so although we haven't been in contact for a while I decided to e'mail her to enquire where she was going.

She replied telling me she was moving with her 6 year old son to Albequerque, New Mexico within the next two weeks. More importantly she told me that she had lost my blog & e'mail address as she had it saved at work but lost a lot of information including my details due to a computor fault, she asked me to forward my blog address.

Since then she as looked up my blog and given me her home e'mail (I had her work one) so we can keep in touch occasionally. I'll certainly send a e'mail every couple of Months.

So the point is if I hadn't emailed this lady I would probably lost contact with someone I found to be real good company albeit for 2 or 3 hours. She is the sort of person I like as a friend (a good laugh) and I would love to meet again one day. I've never been to New Mexico so you never know !
That said there are a lot of people I want to meet that I also like, this includes a number of my blog friends (I think everyone should move to the same place).

And I forgot to add her name was Holly and her picture does appear on my blog, check out Nashville pictures in the May archives.

Great Start Dennis

Leeds United 2 - 0 Southend

Ok it wasn't Champagne Football but it was better than what we have seen previous matches this year.
We didn't concede a goal that was important but we scored two crackers from Ian Moore following a fantastic defence splitting pass by Adam Johnson. Robbie Blake wrapped it up with a stunning Free kick.
New Goalkeeper Graham Stack played really well producing two superb saves. Special mention to Paul Butler who responded with the right attitude from losing the captaincy and had a blinder.
At last we have a manager that recognises we haven't had a decent left back since Tony Dorigo, great move to put Eddie Lewis in that position he does play there for his country (he filled the problem position with style).

By the end the ground was absolutely rocking keep this up and the stadium will soon be packed to the rafters with the returning thousands.
Well done Dennis great start now become a legend like Don & Billy on the photo behind you.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Time to Turn the Corner

For my Soccer Club Leeds United this season so far has been a nightmare, the team have looked like they have never seen a football never mind kicked one.
We have lost nine of our opening thirteen matches, not surprising our home gates have slumped.
We have just lost 5 consecutive matches.
We have the worst goals ratio in the league.
We are playing with absolute confidence.
We have sacked the manager and under a caretaker we have managed to conceed 21 goals in 6 matches, we are 2nd bottom in the 2nd flight of English Soccer, we have not been this low for over 40 years.
We have just been knocked out of the Carling Cup by Southend (who) missing out on a lucrative home tie against thr red vermin.
All this for a club that was in Europes elite only 4 years ago.

Saturday a new era begins we have a new manager Dennis Wise the former Chelsea and England player, we have a new coach Gus Poyet former Uruguyan international. Its now time to pull together, players, fans, everyone.
We must beat Southend to avenge the Cup defeat on Tuesday.
We must get behind Dennis and Gus despite their Chelsea links.
We must climb the League.
We must show who are the best supporters in world football.

Tomorrow I will make the pilgrimage to Elland Road we must stick toghether, this is Leeds United we stand as one, we can only help ourselves.

"Marching on together" must be sung like never before.

Finally lets remind everyone of the good times :-

The moment in 1972 when we won the Centenary FA Cup Final thanks to Allan Clarks superb headed goal. I was there amongst a crowd of 100,000 at the age of 14, some things you never forget.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Next Trip - San Francisco

My next trip across the Atlantic is now planned, I will be visiting another new City San Francisco. I'll be there for 7 nights and its quite a long journey for a trip of this distance but I managed to get a very good flight/hotel deal.

I will leave home on Monday 11th December and stay over one night in Manchester.
I fly on Tuesday 12th December and return from SF on the 19th arriving back in England the day after. I will be flying via Philadelphia with US Airways so I'll have to try the "Philly Cheesesteak" as suggested by Rachel on my last post.

My Hotel in SF is The Beresford Arms Hotel which is a 3 star and Breakfast is included which is not always the case in the US. On a evening the Hotel hosts a complimentry Wine & Cheese hour for all the guests which is always a good way to meet people.

I now need to read up on SF to see what/where I must see, I'll be visiting Alcatraz and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge (its almost as big as the Humber Bridge in Hull) but don't yet know much more about the City.

I'll appreciate any input on must see or do things, thats if any of my blog friend have any local knowledge.

As most of you know this is my 4th trip to North America this year following 3 in 2005 and all been well I'm planning another 4 next year. Well I believe life is for living and travel plus meeting people is what I want to do.
I don't know which new Cities I'll take in next year so far I've seen New York, Memphis, Nashville, St Louis, Toronto plus Chicago on 5 occasions. I still reckon allround Chicago is still my favorite (but they all had something) and I definately plan to visit at least once next year for the "Taste of Chicago" festival in early July. I've been to the last two Tastes and would recomend it to anyone that likes food and music.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wednesday Weight Update - I can explain

Weight last week - 222lb

Weight this Week - 222.5lb

Gain - 0.5lb

Disapointing for the 2nd week running I've gained 0.5lb, I am really struggling to get back on track since my vacation, must try hard this week.
I was doing ok until Monday but we didn't have a Pool match so three of us went out in York. You see when we came out of the last Pub there was this burger van and the double Cheeseburgers smelled really good. Not wanting to be the odd one out my will power failed.

I must make more effort I want to lose a few pounds before my next trip across the Atlantic, it is less than seven weeks away.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Road Rage

The other day I was involved in quite a amusing incident. I had been to the MacArthur Glenn Designer shopping complex just outside York and was driving out in the correct Right hand lane to go to Selby. You also need to be in this lane for the York turn off but when I reached the roundabout a idiot came flying up my left hand side and cut me up while trying to get to York.

As any normal person would do I slammed on my brakes gave him a blast on my horn and jestered with my hand that I thought he liked solo sex.

He seemed to take offence to this and stopped his car and started pointing his finger and waving his fist. Now let me explain this bloke was built like a Bull and was the type that would have "I love Kung Fu" tattooed on his forhead.

As we were both now stopped on a roundabout I thought best forget it a drive off towards Selby. I looked in my mirror and this meat head had spun his car around and was chasing after me.
I thought about stopping but decided against it so I slowed down and let him catch up.

Now it was obvious to me I've got a reasonable car and he was driving a old banger so when he closed up I just hit the accelerator and pulled away he couldn't keep up. I repeated this slowing down then speeding up for about six miles before the plonker realised what a idiot he looked and gave up the chase.

Anyway I was quite amused by this incident.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Time to call it a day

On tuesday I wrote a post asking the question whether I should pack in my Table Tennis Coaching sessions and a number of you gave me some good advice.

Basically I'm not motivated, I blame lack of determination amongst the current crop of players and also the fact I've been doing it a long time and have gone stale. I've actually been coaching at a good level for well over 20 years.

Anyway on Friday night I took the North Yorkshire squad session and I told the committee I was packing it in at the end of November and someone else will have to do it. I thought it was only fair to give a bit of notice.

I still be playing competively and hopfully will have a good season. Locally I'm playing in the York league which looks quite strong this season with a lot of new players. I missed our first two matches (one win and a defeat) due to vacation. Since then I've played in two matches and we won both 6-4 but this week I lost my first match individually ironically against a player I coach.
He's actually a good lad (york junior champion) but I was still a bit cheesed off as I had 4 match points that I blew.

I'll be playing British league which is 3 more weekends away in December, January & February we did well winning 4 out of 4 on the first weekend in September.

I've been picked to play for Yorkshire veterans (over 40) team in the county championships but that is over 2 weekends (November & February).

I'll be representing York Veterans in the Yorkshire Leagueand that is 3 Sundays (December, January & March). These are really tough as the team plays 3 matches in the day which will probably mean 9 singles and 3 doubles for me.

All these competitions I enjoy playing in as the standard is good and I know I've got to be at my best to win. I don't like losing so tough games are my motivation.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday Weigh in - dissapointed not surprised

Weight Last Week - 221.5lb

Weight this Week - 222lb

Weight Gain - 0.5lb

Confession is that since returning from vacation I've found it hard to get back in my normal routine last week. Hence I have put on 0.5lb, yes dissapointed but not surprised.

I've tried to get back into the routine but have been guilty of nibbling the wrong foods between meals. My determination is still there and expect a loss next week I promise (now thats real pressure).

On another note if anyone reading is interested I've now added some photo's of York on my Photo Blog. Its a beautiful city with loads of historical sites plus loads of bars, cafes, clubs, restaurants, etc.

Mick's Photo Blog

I'm sure you would all love to visit (wink) ?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Is it time to pack it in ?

As most of my regular readers know one of the sports I play is Table Tennis and I do a bit of coaching. Actually over the past 20+ years I've done a fair amount of coaching helping 100's of youngsters learn the game and many gain national rankings.
I'm actually a Level 4 coach which is the highest qualification you can get, but I've never done it for money (ok been paid a bit of pocket money occasionally) and have generally worked with kids from a working class background on a voluntary basis. I've always liked helping people and I had the skills to do it this way, I looked at it as providing opportunity to youngsters who didn't stand a chance otherwise. In fact getting some players around tournaments has probably cost me money in the past but I got a lot of pleasure when my players beat the kids from the so called top centres.
I've even coached on England training camps and was once selected to look after a national junior side in a competition in Luxemburg.

Anyway I'm thinking of packing it in through lack of motivation, I am just not enthusiastic any more. Why ? maybe I'm getting old, maybe I've been doing it too long, or many reasons can be put forward.
One of the main reasons is the attitude of the young players that come to sessions, I can think of many in the past that were prepared to work hard to achieve success but the players attending sessions want success on a plate. I'm a great believer in what you put in you get out. These players do not motivate me in fact I am bored. You have to work hard to be good I'll always believe that.

I know if I pack in altogether I will let a lot of people & players down, there is a shortage of coaches in the area.

I still enjoy playing competitevly at a decent level but motivation to train is also quite low. I know I have to practice hard at my age to still compete with player 20 to 30 years younger and I think if I pack in coaching my personnel motivation to train will improve. I still love playing in the big matches.

Is it me getting old ?
Should I let people down and pack it in ?

Another thought that has crossed my mind is to take up a different sport entirely, start from scratch, I just need competition in my life.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Beggars Belief

One story I have not told about my trip to Toronto that really made me angry. Ok I've pointed out previously that there was a lot of beggars on the streets but I see this in a lot of big cities so nothing really new (Toronto has a lot though).
I actually feel sorry for a lot of these people and the initial reaction is to give money to them, but logic tells me if I give them all one dollar of my money I'll be on the streets with them. Also there is always a doubt that I would be feeding a habit although I do accept a lot are there because they don't have the mental capacity to look after themselves or life as dealt them a bad hand. I think Governments should take the lead in this, I will say the problem although it is present in the UK is no way as bad as in North America.

On to my Story it was my 2nd last night in Toronto and I went looking for somewhere to eat at about 7pm, I spotted a Small Bar/Grill that looked ok so went in. I sat at the Bar as the chap next to me was just getting up, I noticed him because he didn't look right. He was wearing a oldish out of fasion jacket that was too small and his trousers were at half mast (too short).

Anyway he paid his Bill with a credit card and actually turned to me and said goodnight, I didn't think anymore about it apart from "he was a bit scruffy".

Later that evening I was walking down Queen street near the main square and youv'e probably guessed it this man was sat on the pavement begging everyone that passed for money. I was totally disgusted he was obviously a con man, I just wanted to punch his lights out.

This reminds me of a night out I had in York last year a few of us passed a young girl begging for money in a doorway outside a trendy wine bar. She was sat on a blanket and had a little puppy with her.

I remember while in the bar thinking and feeling sorry for this girl, I thought to myself I'll give her a couple of quid on my way out. However when we left the girl wasn't there a young man was in her place and surprising he was on the same blanket with the same puppy.

Some people will lower themselves to any level to con us out of our money, this really irritates me.

At Last

Eventually with little help from blogger I've got most of the Toronto photos I intend to post copied to my Photo Blog.

Mick's Photo Blog

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Today on my Computor

Today I've tried on numerous occasions to download the rest of my photo's from my recent vacation. Blogger is playing silly and keeps not allowing me.

My last attempt it allowed me to post a few pictures from Toronto Islands (a nice place) on my photo blog but I have many more to add, it as now stopped allowing photo's again.

I'll try once more then abandon till tomorrow.

I've also been checking out flight/hotel deals for another trip across the water. I have a few days off work to use up by the end of the year so its pointless wasting them. I'm looking for a 6/7 day trip spanning the weekend 16th/17th December but can't make my mind up where.

I've checked out a lot of places my blog friends have suggested in the past and may choose one of them.
Some of these places I can get decent prices on the Hotels & others good flights so I'm struggling to decide which City to visit.

Any suggestions to which places are best to visit in December ?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Thursday Night Out - Lovely Girls

Two posts tonight -

On Thursday a few of us from work went out in York for a meal at a chinese restaurant and on for a few drinks afterwards. The Photo above is me with my Gossip Buddy Vicky (who occasionaly comments on my blog). Vicky organises these nights out and is always up for a laugh. I do have another photo that Vicky wanted me to post but I prefer this one.

The company I work for is truly a world wide company and I always try to do my bit for international relations. The first Photo below my work colleagues are Abi (Mexico) and Valeria (Nicaragua). Abi leaves to work back in the USA soon and Valeria has just started on our site.

The other Photo is me and Karla who is from New Zealand.

I woud have posted pictures of some of the lads on the night out but they are far too ugly for my blog.

Global Warming

Cow farts 'harming the planet'
Can you believe this ?

Cows' farting and burping must be brought under control because they're causing global warming problems, a climate change expert has warned.
Just one cow gives off enough harmful methane gas in a single day to fill around 400 litre bottles, which is really bad for the environment.
The gas goes up into the atmosphere and makes the hole in the ozone layer bigger, worsening global warming.
Dr Chris Jardine says the government must do more to halt the gassy problem.
Get a moo-ve on and try our cow quiz!
And it's not just cows - sheep and goats also produce methane, which is 20 times more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide.
Dr Jardine, from Oxford University, said that the government needs to give more help to farmers.
What is global warming? Find out here
Cutting the gas would also be good news for farmers, because it's thought if the animals aren't burping and farting then they would be able to grow more quickly.
But the government says its plans include ways to help farmers protect the environment.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I've been tagged by Rachel so as promised here we go!

This has to do with "The Fives".

1) Five Minutes to yourself. How would you spend them ideally? - Can't think of anything that I can make last 5 minutes.
Five "No's" - No Scum Shirts, No Rap Music, No Snobbish people, No Crime, No more defeats for my soccer team.

2)Five Pounds to spend right now. How and where would you spend it? Probably buy a CD I can't walk through a Shop that sells them without looking through the bargain Box.

3)Five Items in your house you could part with right now.
Old Suitcases in the Loft that don't have wheels, I will never use them.
Old Trophys in boxes in the loft from past sporting exploits (I have donated a few).
Some really crap out of fashion clothes (why I keep them I don't know).
Old Magazines, I just don't throw them out.
My Vinyl Record Collection - I may get some cash and most are now replaced with CD's

4)Five Items in your house you positively, absolutely could never part with. I'll go with my CD's, My Computor, My Bed, Some Clothes, My Car Keys.

5)Five Words you love. - Do You Want a Drink (only joking). Its really "All my bloggers are great".

Anyone Else ?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Weigh In - I'm shocked

Weigh in 20/9/06 - 219lb.

Weight today - 221.5lb

Weight Gain - 2.5lb

Ok I've increased 2.5lb in 3 weeks since the last weigh in but considering I had a week of functions followed by a holiday in that period I am elated. I always put more than this on during a holiday, nearer 8 to 10 lb. This is a result.

Since I returned home Sunday I've been a bit tired (but not too bad) but have been busy. Monday night I played Pool for my team and we won 6-3 I won my singles, first doubles but lost a 2nd doubles.

Last night I played Table Tennis in the York league and although a bit out of practice I won all three singles plus the doubles to help my team to a 6-4 victory. I was a bit fortunate to beat their No1 as I saved 3 match points in the 4th set and going on to win the decider.

I'm taking it easy tonight but about twelve of us are off out for a meal in York tomorrow night, I think we are going to a Chinese restaurant. Some of us are getting a Taxi home about 11.30pm but others are off on to a club. I'll be with the early gang or I'll never get up for work.

I'm taking a coaching session on Friday but have not a lot planned for the weekend (yet).

Just noticed I've just passed the 1,000 profile views since starting my blog in February, I'm impressed my friends.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holiday Photo's Information

For those wanting to check out my Holiday Photo's I have started a 2nd Blog.

Mick's Photo Blog

I've only put a few on (Niagara Falls) but will be adding many more from this last trip and all previous and Future Trips. You can access it from this link or from my profile.

Please add any comments about any of the photos.

A Real Lady can Spot a Yorkshireman

I have just got back home but the story would not be complete without mentioning one young Toronto Lady.
Now on my travels to various places nobody has asked me if I am a Yorkshireman, I've been asked if I'm Austrailian, Irish, Scottish, Londoner, etc. Now this is always a sore point because we sound nowt like any of them.

Last Sunday when I returned from my trip to Niagara Falls I was tired and decided to go to pub close to my hotel "The Red Lion" for something to eat. I met up with a Irish Gentleman and his wife and we were chatting sat at the bar. Amazingly one of the servers (not serving us) overheard us as she walked past and turned round to me and said "I bet your from Yorkshire". To be honest I was gobsmacked, this as not happend before anywhere out of Brittain.

The girl was really nice but not giving away how she knew, we came to the conclusion she had overheard me say something.
Anyway we chatted a little bit and I ended up promising to call in and buy her a drink when she was working again, this coincided with my last night Friday.

Anyway when Friday came I had been into town to get a restaurant meal and made my way to the Red Lion, I don't know if she expected me to turn up but one thing a Yorkshireman can be relied on is to keep promises.

I don't know what time she finished working but she came over and sat with me and we talked for quite a while. Once again my sixth sense had been correct and she was a real nice person, the type you could sit and chat with all night and not get bored. I think charisma is the word that I am looking for.

Her name was Diana and it turns out she is 75% English, her dad was a Cockney but her mother had spent time in the Yorkshire region. When she was younger Diana had visited Leeds and York and remembered walking around the Roman Walls. She told me she is saving to visit Europe and would love to visit York again as she had fond memories.

I'm not sure how long we chatted but we left at the same time (I guess around 1am), she had to catch the subway. When we reached to point where we went in different directions she actually turned around and gave me a little hug goodbye. That was really nice I didn't expect it but she was such a lovely person full of personality.

Anyway Diana I hope you do eventually visit York it would please me if our paths would cross again.

Above & below are the two photo's I hade taken with Diana (she has given permission to publish) :-

Friday, October 06, 2006

Toronto - The Last Day

Well this is my final full day in Toronto as I fly back to England late tommorow. I would just like to make a few comments about the place.

First don't let my previous comments about beggars, weirdo's, prostitutes put you off visiting this city if you get chance. All big cities have these problems and yes Toronto has its fair share but to be honest I've never felt in any serious danger. For a start there always seems plenty of people about.

I enjoy walking when I explore a city and there are certainly plenty of good walks, anyone like me would appreciate that. Lakefront trail, Toronto Islands, High Park, various suberbs are interesting areas, I'll post photos when back home.

There are the obvious sites to see so plenty to visit, CN tower and Niagara falls are a must.

The people are very friendly and make you feel welcome, travelling alone that is always a big plus. Last night for instance I was in a bar watching some lads play Pool when a chap just came over and asked if I fancied a game, we played for quite a while, I did warn him I was good then he proceeded to beat me.

Food many good restaurants and places to eat, but I will criticise the bars they are quite spread out for my liking (although good atmosphere when you find them). In my culture we tour from bar to bar rather than stay in the same place but its just different here.

Those that like shopping the centres are really good with many bargains to be found. I suppose it helps me with the pound been so strong and the Canadian Dollar about as valuable as the Italian Lira or Monopoly money.

I did make a slight mistake in coming at this time of year I think a lot more goes on during the summer months around the Harbour Front area and Nathan Phillips square, plus other areas. Maybe I should have come a month earlier but I have enjoyed many aspects of the city.

Finally I will say thanks to a former blogger who did give me a lot of information on where to go and where to stay clear of. This info was very accurate and I really appreciated it, saved me so much time looking around. I doubt whether she will read this but if she does Thanks.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wednesday in Toronto and a Quality Lady

Well yesterday it rained most of the day so I basically spent a steady day wandering around a few shops. Now Wednesdays are not normally the best of nights out where I come from so was also expecting a quiet night.

Anyway I started to get ready to go out for a meal at just after 6pm. I jumped in the shower and then to my horror realised the maid hadn't left any towels. Soaking wet I had to phone reception to get some sent up, which they did.

Anyway I thought I'd look for a bar meal somewhere so only get dressed in some black jeans and a casual shirt. As I walked down Yonge Street outside the Eaton Centre I passed a restaurant called "Baton Rouge" and saw through the window that some folk were eating at the bar. So I went in and the hostess got me a seat at the bar, I prefer this when alone because its the best way of meeting people.

I'd just ordered a drink and was looking at the menu when a lady came up and asked if the seat at my side was takem, I told her it was free. Now this lady had Class written all over her you could tell by the way she conducted herself and the expensive looking clothes she was wearing. I remember thinking to myself I wish I'd put on some smart trousers and a dress shirt.

Anyway we got talking and she was real good company, it turned out she was called Joanne and from Montreal. She was manager of a hotel group and was in town to look at some hotels.

We talked for ages following our meal and I must say she was a nice person, real quality. She was staying a very good hotel in a much better area than mine, I was a little embarrased telling her my hotel. Anyway we had a very nice evening and eventually went our seperate ways.

One final story I found amusing - I made my way back to my hotel just after midnight wondering if I would get approached by more beggars or hookers.

As I reached my hotel steps the beggars just about had it then I heard a female voice "Hey mister come over here and have a cigarrete with us".

I looked around to see two ladies of the night and replied "sorry I don't smoke"

One of the ladies replied "Hey you sound funny where are you from"

I replied "England".

She said "are you looking for some fun"

I said "No just on my way to my room to sleep"

She then said "You can have both of us for $60"

Now not been interested I thought I would come up with a little white lie and said "I would love to but I don't think my wife would like it she is in the room"

But this girl wasn't giving up and replied "Wouldn't your wife want to watch"

I said "She's not into that sort of thing"

She had an answer "Its ok we have a place around the corner and we'll be quick if your wife is expecting you back"

I gave my apologies and just said to the girls "Be carefull Look after yourselves"

The lady said "Goodbye, have a good night"

Well I will say it again I am not interested in prostitutes nad won't be going with any but if I was Toronto would be a good place to start, they actually really amuse me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hookers, Freaks & Weirdos

Yes Toronto has got the lot in big numbers I will add. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of really nice people but some of the sights I've seen each day never fail to amaze me. Like the Women wandering down Yonge street Topless the other morning or two blokes kissing in the street near my hotel. Another women wandering down the middle of the road in her nighty. I can't complain though I was warned about the area around my hotel.

I haven't seen Psycho Beggar since Saturday, I wonder if we'll get the chance to exchange pleasentries again.

Last night I decided on an early night (had a few late ones) and was walking back to my hotel when I was approached by two hookers. Now Tuesday must be the quiet night because it was a buy one get one free offer. I will state here that I don't go with hookers so I politely told them I wasn't interested.
It struck me how young they looked and very attractive as well as educated. I asked them why they were doing prostitution and we actually talked for about ten minutes. They were both quite normal and it turns out they are students at University desperate for cash to live on.
One confessed to having a long term boyfriend who hadn't a clue what she was doing.
It actually struck me how much of a sad story this is and I really feel for these girls getting themselves into this situation, the world is a stupid place at times.

I suppose its Weigh in Wednesday but I have not jumped on a scale, I'm afraid of what I will see.
One thing Toronto is good for is food and have I tried some, of course with beer to swill it down.

Next weeks weight check will reveal the worst I fear.

Monday, October 02, 2006

20 plus years searching is over - I can't believe it

Everyone knows I like music and have a resonable collection of all sorts of different styles. Now when I first got interested (1970's) for those that can remember we didn't have CD's and our collections were on vinyl.
Since the introduction of CD's I have over the years replaced virtually all my favorite vinyls. One in particular by a group I saw in 1979 "The Photo's" I have been unable to find anywhere, believe I have looked in record shops in every city/town I have visited.
I was starting to believe this record was never made into a CD well although I reckon the group were good they only had one chart hit "Irene" which spent an amazing one week at no 56 in the UK charts.
Anyway although this is a English group from Worcester Toronto has come good, I have just bought it in "Sam's Record Shop on Yonge Street", I can't believe it.

Yesterday I went on a trip to Niagara Falls which got off to a bad start. Now my ticket said pick up at my hotel at 8.50am so I got myself to the lobby at this time. I mentioned to the receptionist to give me a shout when the bus arrives. She looked at me in amazement and said it left 10 minutes earlier. The hotel phoned the tour company who got hold of the driver, apparently he had arrived early counted the passengers on the bus, decided everyone was there and set off. In reality a women that was booked on a completely different tour thought it was her bus and got on so his numbers matched. They had to come back for me and drop the lady off, the rest of the passengers looked really chuffed about it.

It was a good trip though the falls are quite amazing, We had a lunch thrown in at the penthouse restaurant in the Sheraton Hotel overlooking the falls. We also got to ride the "Maid of the Mist" boat right to the foot of the falls. Afterwards we went to Niagara on the Lake which is a beutiful little town with buildings well over 100 years old.

I got back to my hotel over 9 hours later and I was tired and thought I'd get an early night (had a few late one's). I grabbed a quick shower and went to the local pub (Red Lion) I'd been in when I arrived on Wednesday. I got a meal and drank about three pints and was just about to leave when a Irish couple who I'd been sat with on the bus came in and sat with me. I didn't want to appear rude so I had a drink with them.
Now what I don't think I realised I had made friends with Irelands beer drinking champion, Not been one to give in easy I kept drinking with them. We eventually left at 2am and I aint got a clue how many we downed I was wrecked.

Now the locals seem friendly every night the street my hotel is on Scantily Clad girls stand at about 20 metre intervals waving at cars as they go by. They appear really friendly some have even offered to keep me company.
Before anyone asks the answer to your question is "NO", I do have some moral principles.

Today I've just got back from walking around High Park which is a very nice area.

Saturday night I walked passed pyscho Beggar again and he muttered something about breaking my legs, I just grinned.

Had a drink with a nice Japanese Lady the other day, ok it was only a Coffee in the afternoon we just got talking at Nathan Philips square.

I've promised another nice girl I met a drink later in the week.

Thats all for now, I need a relaxing day.