Sunday, June 04, 2006

Why hasn't the weight dropped off ?

10 days ago my weight was 227lbs

Since then I have not been out drinking alcohol.
I have walked to work most days (2.5mile each way).
I have been careful what I eat (porridge at breakfast, only 3 pieces of fruit during the day, proper meal after work with no dessert) .
I have played a Table Tennis tournament (11 * 5 set matches) ok had 2 beers after this but I was knackered.
I have played a round of golf (ok had two beers to be socialable afterwards).
Did a 2 hour Table Tennis training session with a good player (hard work).

Now I expected my weight to have dropped but it has not moved still 227lbs (I have now only 3 weeks to make my target of 215lbs before my vacation).

I am p****d off.


Jenny said...

Don't fret, that weight will come off. You have probably built some muscle with all that walking which weighs more than fat. I always check my weight by how my clothes fit rather than the scale.

Thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it!

Mick & Cathy said...

You have got a point, when I started trying to lose weight I actually bought some jeans that were too small and they now fit.

Although I have been careful what I eat its only last week that I've really started exercising since my last vacation (walking to work and golf was out due to the rain but spring as now arrived in Yorkshire).

Unknown said...

WRB I know what you mean, it is slow going. But if you keep at it you will eventually start to see a loss. It took me 6 months to lose 40 pounds. Now I can't seem to lose even one ounce!

Rachel said...

I agree. The key is to find an eating style you can do for life. If it's too major an adjustment, the weight does drop off quickly but the old eating habits return just as fast alongwith more weight.

I've lost 50 pounds in 6 months. When I go to eat something, I ask myself each time "Is this a good choice?" and if it's not (like I LOVE Reese's peanut butter cups), I don't eat it. And I drink lots of water (not my fav but it does help keep you full).

PFG said...

Hey Mick! Don't worry, it's gonna happen. Especially now that you can get some exercise.

Here's some junk to take your mind off it.

Copy and paste the questions. Delete my answers. Delete question #1 and shift all of the remaining 19 questions up one space. Add your own 20th question, then answer all 20 questions. Pass it on to 4 other people.

1) Why am I doing this?
Because I can....
2) Do you remember playing 45s?
3) What is the worst band you ever liked?
Duran Duran
4) Have you ever done the macarena?
5) Are there books/magazines are currently in your bathroom? (if yes, what?)
an Italian/English dictionary, a book on the history of tarot, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, an ephemeris, Bad Cat.
6) Have you ever done one of those embarrassing group dances at weddings?
7) Coffee or tea?
8) Whip or no whip?
No whip.
9) Did you ever have an imaginary friend and if so, what was he/she/it named?
10) Do you know how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver?
11) Do you still celebrate your birthday?
As often as possible.
12) Do you or have you ever cross dressed? (women in overalls and men in kilts don’t count)
13) What is the worst food you ever ate?
Some kind of curried albino broccoli thing.
14) How old were you when you had your first real kiss?
15) Have you had your 15 minutes of fame?
I’ve had about 9 seconds – I was the background footage on CNN once and someone related a conversation with me (anonymously) on NPR.
16) What is the longest you ever went without sleep for?
I think it was about 40 hours. It might have been longer, but I don't remember.
17) If your hair could be any color, what would it be?
Deep pink/purple.
18) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Fudge brownie thing.
19) Wax, bleach, pluck, or shave?
All of the above.
20) If you were a super hero, what would your power be?
Showing people how others see them.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

1. Keep a daily log of every single bite and swallow and keep a running total of the calories.
2. Don't give up. Very little happens in the first 2-3 weeks of a diet for me.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I won't give up. I may not be losing the weight as fast as I would like but I am in this for the long term.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.