Wednesday, June 21, 2006

People, Friends & Bloggers

I don't know about anyone else but I tend to make my mind up if I like or dislike a person from my first impression when I meet them. Whether this is fair or not I find it quite accurate and only occasionally change my initial opinion of them.

That as led me to give a thought to why do I read the blogs I do (or they read mine). The list of favorites (12 off)I have listed contains quite a few different personality types so why have I picked these ? I have read & commented on other blogs but not chose them for my favorites list yet although I am sure my list will grow.

I do have a genuine desire to meet each of my blogging friends because I like the individual I think each of them is. In real terms it may be impossible to meet them all (some may not want to one day meet) but I reckon its a good ambition/challenge.
Ok if I meet any of them my (or their) opinion may change but thats life, If I don't meet them I'll never know if I like the real person. I have only met one blogging friend so far (reported on my last vacation in May) and nothing happend that made me want to change my opinion, in fact it has made my ambition more determined.

I don't know why I've wrote this article (probably bored at present) but I do reckon you can't have enough friends whether you have met them or not.


ArleneWKW said...

I tend to include on my home page sites that I check out pretty regularly. In all but a few cases, the bloggers who I've listed are people with whom I've developed an on-line relationship. Often these relationships are with people I'd be unlikely to meet in the off-line world. This is one of the exciting aspects of on-line communication. Usually if someone comments on one of my posts, I'll check out their blog and leave a comment. In some ways I'm more "real" on-line than off because I'll more easily share some things in writing than in talking with friends + acquaintances.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Why do people say that you can't have too many friends? Of course you can. Friends require things like time and attention and conversation. They need you to spend time with them and keep up with them. You're supposed to stay in touch and preferably see each other in person regularly. Friends require a lot of time and effort. I easily reach the point at which I have too many friends. As soon as there's someone who's emailing and voicemailing and asking me to give them attention that I just can't spare, I have too many friends!

Unknown said...

I wouldn't mind meeting any of my blogger friends. But I do agree with arlene because I can tell my blogger friends things I would never tell my friends here, Like my real weight LOL!!

Jenny said...

Blogging is a very honest form of communication-often much more honest than most folks would be in person. I think that is why you can so quickly see who people really are.

Mick & Cathy said...
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Rachel said...

I don't think you can have too many friends. Each friend brings something different to the table. One may be good at cheering you up when you're "down", one may make you laugh, one may give you a hard time and keep you on your toes. Another may be the one to give constructive criticism.

Although no one is perfect, I think each friend should bring something positive in your life. We all have bad days but if you have a friend that constantly brings you down or doesn't help you feel good about yourself, just as you are - then it's time to let that friendship go (aka Trina).

Friends accept you warts and all. The only thing I draw the line at is murder. Yup, one time a (former) friend named Emily SERIOUSLY asked me to tape a tv show and be her alibi while she went and shot her boyfriend Bob. (Em had a bit of a temper.) I had to end that friendship ASAP. (Never a dull moment in Rachel land.)

Mick & Cathy said...

I think your correct about people you are unlikely to meet, my problem is I am serious about actually wanting to meet my blogging friends.

We differ on how we describe friends. I believe a friend is somebody that is there when I need them (and vice versa) and I can't have too many of them.

Good because your on my want to meet one day list.

Honesty is very important to me, I reckon thats why I like my blogger friends so much.

Yes thats exactly how I see what a friend should be.
Your friends are almost as crazy as you (I must visit Alabama).

No I don't see you like that at all. I just see you as an honest nice person just like my other blogging friends.

ArleneWKW said...


I didn't mean that I wouldn't want to meet my blogger friends. I meant that I'd be unlikely to have met them off-line in the day to day of my life.

I think it would be great to meet in person people whom I've met on-line.