Saturday, June 24, 2006

This Weeks Course

This week I have had to attend a training course on High Voltage Electrics. I have to do this every few years to keep my authorisation certificate which I need for my job.

The course was quite good about 50-50 between classroom and pratical work with various switchgear (it also keeps you up to date with new regulations and procedures).

On Friday afternoon we had to sit a test which was ok but a strain for me as it was the only day I forgot to take my reading glasses (ok I'm getting old and need reading glasses). Anyway I struggled through and passed comfortably getting 21 out of the 22 questions correct.

The downside to the course was the canteen food which wasn't very diet friendly (although nice), can anyone turn down sponge pudding with the cook glaring at you.

I also didn't get enough exercise this week so I got on the scale this morning and was pleasently surprised that my weight hadn't moved 224lb same as last week.

Ok off on my travels now and with over 2 weeks of enjoyment I will be happy if I can keep my weight below 230lb on my return, we will see.

1 comment:

ArleneWKW said...

I don't even know what sponge pudding is, but it sounds yummy. Oh my fattening brain!!