Thursday, June 22, 2006

People like or dislike

Last night I commented how I make my mind up what I think of a person and my first impression is very significant. I very rarely change my opinion of a person (it can happen though).
So what makes me like or dislike a person ?
I find this difficult to answer its more of a reaction perhaps a sixth sense, I don't know.

If I think logically the qualities I look for in a person are :-
Fun to be with


The thing is how can I tell these things with a first impression, thats impossible, so how can I normally get it right ?

6th sense is the best I've come up with.

One final point its only a small percentage of people I like or dislike I would put the others down as aquantances that I tolerate.

Good job I like all you that read this tonight.


Rachel said...

Mick, Doc and I used to argue about this when I first started working for him. I'd hang up the phone and say, "That person's an idiot" or "That person is really smart" and Dr. Holman would say, "Rachel - how can you know that from just meeting them or just talking to them?" One time he said, "Now give the man a chance, he's coming in tomorrow." I said, "YOU give him a chance, I'm tell you he's dumber than dirt."

So Dr. Holman met with him and after he left, Doc said, "I will never doubt you again. That's the third person you've pegged on the head as far as what they are like."

I'm with you - it's sixth sense. Let's just call it a "gift".

Rachel said...

And to add - you're nice than me. I don't use the term "dishonest". I DO use the term "freaking liar"...

airliebird58 said...

I think it is a sixth sense you know. I dislike very few people, but its usually an 'on the spot' thing, and quite irrational at the time. For instance I've never liked Tony Blair or Tom Cruise. To such an extent with Blair I stopped voting for the Labour party when he became leader.
The comment you make about 'tollerating' certain folk is spot on. I believe in being polite if you bump into such people, then get the hell outta there ASAP lol.