Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Failure of Self Discipline

With less than two weeks to go to my vacation (St Louis & Chicago) I did not do my weight loss target any favours last night.
Ok I had to go to the pub to play a Pool match in the town singles competition. Basically I drunk more beer than intended and snacked on junk foods. I think my resistance was low due to been very tired from the weekend.
The sad thing about this I had no need to go as my opponent failed to show up (obviously heard how good I am Um). Anyway his no show puts me in the last 32.

I'm fighting back and have restricted my food intake today and also walked the 2.5mile each way to and from work. I'll do the same tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Mick seems as if we have the same problem at times. I would have drank a beer with you, and probably played pool too! Good for you for the walking, that's great exercise :)

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

When we don't get enough sleep we DO eat more. Your psychological resistance to consuming more was down and your body was compensating for the lack of sleep by making you feel hungrier than usual. Oh, and when we don't get enough sleep our bodies also slow our metabolism so it's even harder to lose weight.

Be sure to get enough sleep!

Rachel said...

I had to give up beer on Southbeach and learn to drink wine! I'm used to it now but it was hard at first. I've lost 50 pounds (using no portion control)and it's been alot of fun.

Oh yeah - I know I'm not right in the head but anybody can be normal?!

Lynn Dombrowski said...

I agree with Regina on being sleepy does make you more hungry.

The body has to compensate I suppose, trying to get it's energy from somewhere.

Good Luck though.


ArleneWKW said...

It's harder for me to stay on track when I concentrate on target dates ie. 2 weeks until a vacation. Depriving myself on the day after a binge sets me up for more binging. Following a steady course seems to work best for me. Like you and the others, fatigue is a major demotivation for me.

Mick & Cathy said...

Sometimes my social life gets in the way of weight loss plans.

Reg & Lynn,
I have never considered the sleep factor but the more I think about it the more sense it makes. I'll work on it.

Trouble with me is I drink too fast so if I go with smaller drinks (wine or spirits) I struggle to control what I drink.
ps: I still like crazy people.

Everthing I do in life I set targets its just the competitive side of me. I hate not achieving them.