Saturday, June 10, 2006

Weight Loss Update

Last week 227lb

This week 225lb

2lb weight loss is better than none at all like last week but I amm certainly stuggling to make my 215lb target before my next vacation (in two weeks).


Lynn Dombrowski said...

A 2 pound loss is very good. I wouldn't worry about trying to lose 10 pounds in the next two weeks.

Just be happy & have a safe trip.

Mick & Cathy said...

Your correct the main thing is the weight keeps coming off.

Actually I got down to 226lb before my next vacation so this (225lb)is probably the lowest I have been for a few years.

Rachel said...

I went out to eat lunch today and it was SOOOOO hard to make the smart choice and not load up on the fried foods and sauces. But I made the right choice.

I try and trick myself and say, "Just for today, I'll eat the right things and tomorrow I'll pig out." Of course, when tomorrow gets here, it's always today so I guess you see where I'm going.

ArleneWKW said...

A 2 pound weight loss in one week is mega awesome for someone at your weight.